9 Penguin Safe Ways to Dominate Search for Your Keywords A SEO-News Exclusive

by / Thursday, 16 August 2012 / Published in Blogging, Google

It may take some time and work to rank your new website for your desired keywords. However, by leveraging OPPR (Other People’s PR) you can actually have your website represented in multiple positions throughout the first several pages of search relatively quickly. The recent Penguin update has penalized sites which were “over-optimized.” For example, did you hire somebody to get you 4000 forum profile links which all have the exact same keywords? Then your site might have been affected negatively by Penguin. Google is looking for natural link building from quality original content. Every suggestion here involves creating original high quality content on highly ranked platforms which Google just loves.

1. Write Guest Blog Posts for Quality Blogs With Real Readers

Having a high quality, unique, article published on a first-rate relevant blog that has real readers with your links is about the best SEO there is. When you get wind of the next Google update no matter what cute animal they name it your heart will not skip a beat. You will know that your content and links are the best quality there is. Actually you should be overjoyed when Google performs its next update. It will probably eliminate the spammy competition and rank your high quality articles even better than before! You can look Google in the eye and say “make my day!” Here is a list of 9 high traffic blogs that accept guest blog posts.

2. Create Short Quality Videos With Your Keywords in the Titles and Description and Upload to the Top Video Hosting Sites

I am amazed at how well YouTube and Dailymotion videos get ranked on Google. I am not sure how much they will help the actual ranking of your main site because of all this ‘”no follow” business but people still can find your website by clicking the link in the description below the video. I suggest uploading your videos to most of the major video hosting sites. Here is a list of 35 video hosting sites with their PR ranking that I actually use. Also, make sure you have a reasonably keyword rich description and definitely put your keywords in the title. I also suggest putting a call to action in the video itself giving viewers an excellent reason to click the link in the description below. You should definitely take advantage of YouTube’s PR 9 ranking and start filling up search results for your keywords with YOUR videos.

3. Create a Facebook Fanpage With Your Keywords in the Title

I found this out by accident. I had created a Facebook fanpage for my classified ad posting serviceand when I searched my keywords it was outranking my own website. It was not really fair since my main website actually had the most relevant information for the searcher, but it seems that the domain has more pull than Facebook fanpages really seem to jump to the top of search results. They generally pick up the keywords in the title. So make your Facebook fanpage with your desired keywords in the title. Then put a description of your website with a link in the about section of your page. Put some good relevant content, videos and pictures on the page as well.

4. Create a Blog and Fill It With Unique Keyword Rich Relevant Content

I am not talking about downloading the famous WordPress software and starting your own blog on your own domain (this is good too.) I am talking about going to and creating a blog based on your keywords to be hosted on the domain has a whopping PR9 ranking. It is almost impossible to create a PR9 domain with your own domain name. So from a PR standpoint it is probably better to run a blog on than even on your own domain.

There is a reason is such a highly ranked platform. They do not accept junk content. Your content should be unique, relevant, informative and not just a sales pitch. Do not do what I did at first and hire somebody from to create 20 blogs and populate them with different versions of a spun article. Most of the blogs were deleted so it was a complete waste of time. I picked one that stuck and started developing real, well-written, original content about my subject with my keywords. Just manually set up one blog and add unique quality content bit by bit.

The result for me has been that my blog posts bounce around between the first and third pages of Google for variations of my keywords. Up until very recently they have been outranking my main site. Hint: make sure you include your well researched keywords in the name of your blog and in the title of your blog posts.

5. Create a Blog and Fill It With Unique Compelling Content also has a PR9 ranking with Google. Try doing the same exercise you did with But remember, do not just copy and paste content from your blog onto your blog. You need original content on both platforms. You can, however, have both blogs linking to each other and of course to your main website. One advantage of is that you can embed your autoresponder subscription forms in posts. does not allow you to do this. In addition accepts adult content with some caveats.

6. Create A Squidoo Lens

Squidoo is a place where you can create content rich websites called lenses. Unlike and these are not blogs. You create your content pages using modules. They have text modules, video modules, Amazon modules and more. Squidoo lenses can take a little more time to create than a blog post, but they get highly ranked in search and they also receive traffic by other members searching Squidoo itself. Squidoo has a ranking of PR7. Again you must use quality original content or your lens will not even get published. Because of these high standards Squidoo lenses generally rank very well in search. It is free to create a Squidoo page and you should use your keywords in the title and throughout the body of your lens. Do not keyword stuff just use your keywords naturally and relevantly throughout your lens.

7. Create a Hubpage

Hubpages are a similar concept to Squidoo. Hubpages have a PR ranking of 6. I have had a harder time creating Hubpages. Despite some of my best efforts to create quality content I have had some of my Hubpages deleted and even one of my URLs banned. Hubpages thought my site was too commercial. However, if you succeed in publishing your Hubpages, they can serve as yet another way searchers can find your website through searching your targeted keywords.

8. Upload Your Content to Content Sharing Sites

Sites such as Scribd and Mediafire are some of the highest traffic sites in the world. You can upload your PDF documents to document sharing sites and benefit from having your documents with your keywords and links on ultra high traffic sites. Not only do you get traffic from people directly searching these sites, but these sites actually get highly ranked in Google search since they have very high PR. Here is a list of 25 content sharing sites ranked by Alexa and Page Rank.

9. Answer Questions on Yahoo Answers

Yahoo Answers may not give you do follow links, but real people look for real answers to questions on this site. Search for questions related to your industry and give thoughtful relevant answers. Leave links back to your website incorporated in the responses. When people are searching for answers related to your industry they will find your answers and links to your website. The goal is that every time somebody uses search for your keywords, that all roads will lead to your website.

My next step would be to promote all these properties which feature your original articles and links. Of course submit them all to your various social media outlets. In addition you can cross promote. Take your videos and put them on your and blogs. Put links to your and articles in the descriptions of your videos. Put links to all articles and upload all videos to your keyword targeted Facebook page. Of course, all properties should have relevant links back to your main website. You get the idea. The results will be that you should have multiple listings on the first several pages of search for your keywords on various high PR properties. Nobody can guarantee you a first place permanent listing but, if you have multiple, unique high PR quality properties all leading to your website, you are multiplying your chances of success.

The rankings change everyday. However, if you have a number of high PR, high quality properties all competing for your keywords you could have your Squidoo page in first place one day, then your blog, then your YouTube video on top the next day. Having multiple links coming from relevant high PR sites going to your main website can only help increase the rankings for your main website as well.

Here is a case study applying these techniques to my website The keywords I am going for are “classified ad submission service.” Here is a screenshot from the first page of Google. Keep in mind these rankings change every day but I still see the same sites bouncing back and forth in the top positions.