The New Google Patent to Stop Spamming? — A SEO-News Exclusive

by / Thursday, 13 September 2012 / Published in Google, Search Engine, Search Engine Optimization

For quite some time, Google has been battling spammers. There is a constant quest by sites both small and large to be ranked #1 for a particular keyword or subject. As the internet keeps expanding and becoming more popular, there is even more of a need to be on the first page for sales, information or whatever it is that your site promotes. As the need to become #1 increases, so do those who use “spammy” or “black hat methods” of improving a site.

A recently discovered Google patent document identifies how web sites are reacting to current link best practices. You can find the document here. I’m assuming most of you won’t be reading the whole document, so I’ll do my best to sum it up.

Basically, the major points of the document are how Google will be making page rank changes in the future and how these changes will affect the SERPs. Those sites that do make changes whether it be linking, on-page or other, will have to wait while Google decides if the changes were for legitimate content reasons or for rankings. During this process Google will move their rankings (most likely lower) and see how the site reacts to these changes.

Here is a quote from the document that discusses this:

“When a spammer tries to positively influence a document’s rank through rank-modifying spamming, the spammer may be perplexed by the rank assigned by a rank transition function consistent with the principles of the invention, such as the ones described above. For example, the initial response to the spammer’s changes may cause the document’s rank to be negatively influenced rather than positively influenced. Unexpected results are bound to elicit a response from a spammer, particularly if their client is upset with the results. In response to negative results, the spammer may remove the changes and, thereby render the long-term impact on the document’s rank zero. Alternatively or additionally, it may take an unknown (possibly variable) amount of time to see positive (or expected) results in response
to the spammer’s changes. In response to delayed results, the spammer may perform additional changes in an attempt to positively (or more positively) influence the document’s rank. In either event, these further spammer-initiated changes may assist in identifying signs of rank-modifying spamming.”

This is apparently the new way that Google will weed out spammers, mostly link manipulators. Previously, there would be almost an “instant gratification” reaction to positive or negative moves within the rankings. For example, when penguin and panda updates hit, sites were instantly punished or rewarded. This type of behavior will no longer be typical and it may take longer to figure out exactly why a site is doing well or poorly.
